
Walking Away Websters

Low Exposure

Looking Down Binkley Hollow

From the boardwalk

Head's Up Hikers!

Complicated Colour

Binkley Hollow Bridge Open Again!

Picture the Fall

Clean Up the Creek

Hikers! Speak for the Future of Dundas Valley!

Autumn Starts Low

Main Loop, Dundas Valley

History Hike

Spring Creek Trail, Dundas Valley

The trail formerly known as Ski Loop 1

More Binkley Bridge Building

Binkley Bridge Bit by Bit

Plan a Hike

Rail Trail Robbery

Nature+Hiking=Good Moods

Bridge over Binkley

International Trails Day

Falling for Falls

walking comfort

RESTORE COOTES: Turtle Watching: Volunteers Needed

I walk the (on)line on Waterfalls

walking war zone?

Spencer Creek Clean Up Saturday

Ponds to Parking Historical Hike

Lunch Hour History Hike

signs of spring

Draw Bridge

Un-bridged Binkley

inspired snow

Spencer Creek, the reason for a trail

Happy New Year!