death on the trail

Walking up the Spencer Creek trail today, a big hawk flew up from the long grass and goldenrod beside the footpath.

He flew across the creek and landed in a nearby tree.

I searched the ground, thinking maybe I would find a hawk feather; I didn't, but I did find the reason the hawk remained nearby: a fresh kill, a rabbit, partially eaten.

I left right away so the hawk could return and finish his meal.


There is a new sign posted near the Hawk's latest meal, on McMurray Street, an official notice from the city of Hamilton regarding the land where the path is located.

832110 Ont. Inc. and City of Hamilton are seeking to change the zoning at the site (36 McMurray Street) from
"single detached residential flood plan holding (R2-FP-H) zoning and the open space (OS) zone to the Low to Medium density multiple dwelling (RM1) zone and open space (OS) zone."

The plan is for 17 townhouses and associated parking.

The reference number is ZAC-07-058, and Edward John is the city staff person, at 905-546-2424 ext. 5803

I'll be looking into this and keeping this file up to date here to see if there are plans to keep the path intact through this section.
