slippery slopes

trout lilies beginning to flower
The Hamilton Conservation Area has posted some trail closures effecting cyclists and equestrians, and slippery and muddy conditions exist for hikers: 

Dundas Valley: Trails remain closed to cyclists and equestrians, until further notice.
The Spring Valley Trail leading from Jerseyville Rd. is closed where it enters onto Conservation Authority land, approximately 500 m. north of Jerseyville Rd. The Hilltop Trail and the Murray Ferguson Way are also closed until further notice. Recent emergency utility repair work has left the trails in unsuitable condition. Once the ground dries out in the spring, repairs will be made and the trails will be reopened. Notices will be posted. The Headwaters Trail is still open. Access to the Headwaters Trail is available from Jerseyville Rd via Marten’s Rd.
Due to current weather conditions trails are extremely slippery and very muddy in areas, caution is advised.
