One of the early signs of spring on the forest floor, Mayapples are opening their leaves and working on producing the single fruit they will bear in a season. Just don't eat it. Learn more about this common native plant here.
Interesting that Podophyllum peltatum takes its name from the Latin for "shield shaped." Which made me think about a poem (first two stanzas below):
Interesting that Podophyllum peltatum takes its name from the Latin for "shield shaped." Which made me think about a poem (first two stanzas below):
The Shield of Achilles
W. H. Auden
W. H. Auden
She looked over his shoulder For vines and olive trees, Marble well-governed cities And ships upon untamed seas, But there on the shining metal His hands had put instead An artificial wilderness And a sky like lead. A plain without a feature, bare and brown, No blade of grass, no sign of neighborhood, Nothing to eat and nowhere to sit down, Yet, congregated on its blankness, stood An unintelligible multitude, A million eyes, a million boots in line, Without expression, waiting for a sign.
[read the entire poem here]Today would be a perfect day, with the sun shining and the air warm, to grab a book of poems, or a pen and paper to write your own, and head out onto the trails.