Well, this should be an easy one to Celebrate in Dundas - some of the most scenic sections of the Bruce Trail are found here in Dundas Valley and the Spencer Gorge; The Royal Botanical gardens footpaths through Cootes and Hendrie Valley, the nearby Waterfront Trail along the Hamilton Bay and Lake Ontario, and of course, the Trans Canada trail sections that are entwined along these routes. It's hard to be but a few minutes travel to a great trail in this area, and most of them will pay dividends by taking you to or past glorious waterfalls.
Send me a photo of your hike so I can post it on this blog. Now lace up your boots and get moving!
Send me a photo of your hike so I can post it on this blog. Now lace up your boots and get moving!
Celebrate International Trails Day on the Trans Canada TrailJUNE 5 is International Trails Day, a world-wide celebration of recreational trails. Trails promote healthy living, preserve our natural heritage, generate local economic development and inspire endless journeys of learning and discovery.
Join us on the world's longest Trail on June 5. Events and activities are planned from coast to coast to coast. With geo-caching on NB's Fundy Trail, an adventure hike-a-thon on MB's Centennial Trail, the grand opening of Central Alberta's Blindman River Bridge, along with a horseback ride on BC's Haller Trail, a Trail Opening in Midland ON and a Magical Historical Sites cycle tour in Victoria, a great day awaits you on the Trans Canada Trail. Click here for details and a full list of events.