Sidewalk supervisors
The Hamilton Spectator (Mar 14, 2008)Shovel your sidewalks -- your neighbour is watching.
Hamilton has been hammered with snowstorms this year and the city has the stats to show some residents haven't been so prompt with their snow clearing. A city bylaw requires walkways be cleared off within 24 hours.
By the numbers
3,080: Complaints about uncleared city sidewalks this year.*
1,257: Notices issued to residents or property owners to clear the walks.
253: Times city staff have been called to clear sidewalks at the homeowner's expense.
0: Fines issued. The city tries to get residents to shovel or calls out city crews before issuing a ticket.
* Some complaints are repeats, with people calling about the same property. Also, residents often complain before the 24-hour deadline. By the time a city inspector arrives to check, the walk has sometimes been cleared.